Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Did You Know?

I was out the other day closing up a party.  The hostess shared this tidbit with me.  She said she absolutely loved the dishwashing liquid.  When she cleans her antibac cloths, she fills up her kitchen sink with very hot water and a little squirt of dishwashing liquid.  She tosses in her soiled rags, swishes them around and forgets about them for awhile.  Later she swishes a little more, rinses the rags out and hangs them up to dry.

Now myself on the other hand, has been a dyed in wool rag boiler.  I feel for the amount I use and abuse my rags, they MUST need boiling.  But with the business I'm in, I best try out all ways to clean my cloths....

They do come out clean with the dishwashing liquid.

Ready to give it a try?


  1. Does it get rid of odor? I have a hard time getting rid of the odor in my cloths. Only thing that seems to work is boiling and then I get the odor all over the house!

  2. I've had a similar problem with my cloths stinking up the whole house. Here's what I do: I boil my water, take it off the burner. Then I pop in, oh maybe 1/2 tsp. of Norwex laundry soap with my stinky cloth and gently stir. I cover the pot and ignore it. After the couple hours, I dump the nasty water and rinse my cloth until the water runs clean.

    I understand if a cloth is frequently used to wipe up food spills and particles, the food causes the cloth to smell sooner.
